Band: Dangerous Curves
Album: "So Dirty Right"
Label: Independent
Release date: April 6, 2018
Country: Australia
Format reviewed: FLAC
It is both a privilege and an honor to
write the first review concerning a (Hard Rock) Glam Metal release for Blessed
Altar Zine - dedicated to bringing to our readers honest opinions regarding
quality releases in the ever expending world of the underground metal.
The Glam Metal (an integral part of
Hard Rock) of the mid 80s into the early 90s was at the time, a very well
regarded rock/metal genre, receiving ample airtime on music TV and on dedicated
FM radio stations across the globe. Glam Metal was then considered mainstream,
and it's popularity helped usher in many other rock/metal styles to the
discovery and enjoinment of the masses. By the mid 90s, Glam Metal has been
scraped by all major labels and it ceased to exist in it’s “glory days” form -
a fact most rock music fans are familiar with. Some efforts were made by well
established acts of the genre, to revive it into the new millennium, but
unfortunately, the vast majority fell short. That is not to say that quality
Hard Rock albums were not released. However, none were able to capture the real
essence of Glam Metal from it’s glory days. One of the acts that captured said
essence to a large extent, in the most recent years is the Finnish band Santa
Cruz. With that said, it wasn’t until earlier this year, on April 6th, when a
young band from Geelong, Australia, managed to bring back, at full magnitude,
the quality Glam Metal that most of us fans, believed to be gone and buried.
Growing up, I was exposed to a large
variety of music, including to what it's now considered the classics of rock.
Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, AC/DC and The Eagles are fine
examples of acts that I was familiar with from a young age. Growing up behind
the Iron Curtain made it very difficult to be exposed to the newer musical
trends of the West, specifically in the 80s. A total censorship of western
rock/metal music was in place. Rock & metal LPs and tapes were verboten by
the communist regime, and nearly impossible to procure. New releases were smuggled-in
via bootleg tapes. Two short-wave radio stations aimed against the communist
authorities in the Eastern Europe, Voice Of America and Radio Free Europe,
aired rock music programs, exposing the eastern block audience to the newest
trends in the genre. In our early teens, a schoolmate and I, upon listening to
one of these radio programs on Voice Of America, decided to write a letter
requesting a tape. A couple of months later, a 90 minutes audio tape
miraculously arrived in the mail. On side A: Bon Jovi’s “Slippery When Wet”,
and Europe’s “The Final Countdown” on side B. Game changer! Glam Metal became
the core of my love and passion for all things rock & metal.
Fast forward 30 plus years: the hopes
for a quality Glam Metal new release, able to mimic what is now considered
relics of the past, has diminished drastically. Most of the established bands
of the genre’s past are still touring on the laurels of their heydays. Newer
materials, while some great, not up to snuff. On a late April night, while browsing Bandcamp, I stumble upon an independently released album, tagged “glam metal”,
by an unknown (to me) Australian band, DANGEROUS CURVES. The album, titled “So
Dirty Right”, is precisely what I’ve lust for all these years: unapologetic,
fun and anthemic Glam Metal. The incredible part being: Glam Metal, once a
mainstream genre, is now an integral part of the underground!

In a world of hassle and incertitude,
the almost forgotten vibe of party rock, as present on DANGEROUS CURVES’ “So
Dirty Right” is a welcomed diversion from current realities, a throwback to a
less complicated time. Highly recommended. Party like it’s 1988 and most
importantly, have fun! 9/10 UHF
9/10 – Epic Storm
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.